Sahih:Al Bukhari:3145 (en en2)
 Mohamed got some war prisoners and he distributed them Prisoner of war (10)
Sahih:Al Bukhari:371 (en en2)
 Mohamed get Safiya as a slave, killing her family then married her the same day Mohamed's violence (30) Safya, the raped captive (8) Prisoner of war (10) Who is Safya ? (8) Woman is a sex object (42) Battle of Khaybar (3)
Quran:Al-Anfal 8:67 (en en2 tfs tfs2)
 It is not for a prophet to have captives until he inflicts a massacre Mohamed's description (19) Prisoner of war (10)
Sahih:An Nasai:3333 (en en2)
 Muslims felt reluctant to have sex with their captives then Allah revealed 4:24 Legislation (19) Treatement (25) Prisoner of war (10) Nikka, Lawfull sex (14) Sabaya, sex slave (16)
Bible:OT:Leviticus 25:44:46 (en)
 Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you Prisoner of war (10)
Bible:OT:Exodus 21:2:6 (en)
 Hebrew are free after six years, without their families if they didn't come with Prisoner of war (10)